DIY camera/phone holder for online classes


Due to the worldwide lockdown caused by coronavirus, many people have been forced to study remotely. My daughter is one of them. In normal life, she usually sits with a tutor, and they both look at the same book or notebook. Now we no longer have this “luxury” and need to get out of the situation somehow to let tutor see what my daughter writes or reads. We tried several different options of attaching the mobile phone which she uses for video calls with tutors, including setting it up on a tripod next to her. I came to the conclusion that all these options are not very convenient; my daughter needs to see a tutor as well and also she should have the ability to quickly point the camera at herself or to other things. As a result, the following simple invention appeared:

The structure is quite simple and I think it’s pretty obvious how it is assembled. My daughter can now quickly adjust the camera to show what she is writing and also quickly take the camera out to show herself.

Moreover, it’s still possible to see the tutor on the phone screen while it keeps capturing the book.

Here are approximate sizes in case you find it useful and want to make a similar holder with the same dimensions.

DIY Camera/phone holder for online classes

I think this holder can be helpful not only for students, but also for teachers, who make courses, capturing what they write.

How to flash Sonoff S26 with Tasmota

IoT, Programming

Most of the smart electrical outlets are bound to their vendor “clouds”. That means you have to use some crappy apps provided by their manufacturers in order to control the outlets and usually there is no option to connect them to your custom home automation server. The good news is that there are some outlets which are relatively easy to “unlock” by re-programming to an opensource firmware. For example, various Sonoff devices based on ESP8266 chip can be updated to use Tasmota – a community-supported firmware that enables there MQTT protocol and Web command interface, so you can either connect them to your home automation server or control them directly by sending HTTP requests using curl.

In this post I’m going to describe how to upload a new firmware to Sonoff S26. It’s just a success story based on “How To: Flash the Sonoff S26 with Tasmota firmware” article with some additional details.

All right, this is how Sonoff S26 looks like (the EU-plug version):

Step 1: Disassembling

First, we need to remove 3 screws on this side:

to open it and to get to the board:

Step 2: Soldering and Connecting to a USB-UART Programmer

Solder wires by the following schema and connect them to the USB/UART programmer (I used CP2102 USB-TTL UART 6-pin serial converter in my case):

☝️ Note that ETX is connected to RXD, ERX is connected to TXD.

☝️ As an alternative, it’s much easier to solder 3V3 to J1 connector and GND to J2 connector as it’s shown on the right part of the image above.

I tried both variants and they all should work, so you can choose the schema more appropriate for you:

Make sure that the connections are strong, otherwise it might lead to issues during flashing.

Step 3: Install esptool

Now we need to install a tool which will communicate with the device. We will use esptool for this purpose.

It’s written in Python, so let’s setup a Python 2 or 3 virtual environment:

and install esptool there

Step 4: Check the Connection

The moment of truth has come and we can finally start communicating with the board. Before we connected the USB-UART programmer to a USB port of the computer, we should keep the button on the board pressed:

Then we can connect the programmer and release the button. I found it more convenient to use a USB extension cable instead of directly connecting the programmer to a USB port, so you don’t need to touch the programmer and can keep the soldered construction anywhere on the table.

Now let’s get a backup of the original firmware to check the connection.

☝️ On my Linux machine the the programmer works on /dev/ttyUSB0 path. In your case it might be different: if you are on Windows, it can be, for example, one of COM1, COM2, etc., on Mac it can be something like /dev/tty.usbserial-.... So replace /dev/ttyUSB0 in all the commands below with the correct path for your machine.

You will get something like:

If you see something else (connection timeout or some other error), check the wires once again. Otherwise we can finally start flashing Tasmota.

Step 5: Flash Custom Firmware

Looks like the latest firmware for the moment (Sonoff-Tasmota v6.5.0) has an issue: S26 devices keep rebooting after few seconds. I tried it with 2 different outlets, and both had this issue. But the following image worked for me (Sonoff-Tasmota v6.1.1): sonoff-classic.bin. So you might use it as well.

We need to return the device back the programming mode. So unplug the programmer from the USB port, keep the button on the board pressed, connect the programmer back to the USB port and release the button.

Execute the following command (don’t forget to replace /dev/ttyUSB0 and the path to your firmware image):

The output is gonna be something like:

Step 6 (Optional): Verify the Flashed Image

I didn’t trust the “Hash of data verified” message and decided to download the flashed image from the device to make sure it’s the same as the one that was uploaded there in the previous step before the wires get desoldered. Looks like some people had issues after successful flashing, but you might decide to skip this paranoid step ?.

If you want to verify your image, repeat the magic with unplugging-pressing the button-plugging-releasing the button once again to get the board back into programming mode and execute:

Since the downloaded image is 1MB and it is bigger than the original image, we need to get the size in bytes of the original image we flashed on step 5:

and compare only this length (in my case it was 496368) by the following command:

If you get Ok, then everything looks fine and we can go further, but if it shows that the first 496368 bytes are different, then it’s better to return to the step 5 and re-flash the image once again.

Step 7: Assemble Everything Back

Now we need to assemble all the parts back in order to try the device connected to 220V. I wasn’t able to preserve the soldered wires inside the case, since it’s pretty narrow there, so I had to desolder them.

⚠☠ I strongly encourage you not try to plug the outlet to a socket before covering the parts with the case, because it might be hazardous for your health, since you can accidentally touch conductive elements and get an electric shock.

Step 8: Configuring

Plug the assembled Sonos S26 outlet to a socket and quickly press the button 4 times to enable configuration mode. I had to repeat it few times until it eventually switched to this mode, since the button is not very responsive. Flashing light indicates that the configuration mode is on.

Take a mobile phone and connect it to the new ESP_XXXXXX open network established by the device:

Open a browser on the mobile phone and navigate it to and enter the connection details for your normal wireless network:

Save the configuration. The device will automatically restart itself.

Visit a wireless clients status page of your router to check if the device got connected and to figure out its IP address. Here is what I see on my router:

So in my case the IP address of the device was Let’s send some test commands to make sure it works:

How to Play an MP3 file or URL on Sonos

Programming, Tools

It’s quite painful to play podcasts or some arbitrary mp3 files on Sonos, especially when you are on Linux. I decided to write sonosplay – a simple command line utility based on SoCo libary to make life easier for me and probably other people. So now I just do


and the media starts playing on Sonos right away.

In order to play local files it starts an embedded HTTP server, creates an URL and sends it to Sonos. Works good, but there are some limitations:

– I can’t detect now, when the file is finished playing, so it’s necessary to stop the service manually by Ctrl+C.

– In the Sonos app it’s shown as stream.mp3 for the moment without any description or image, even if the file itself contains that meta information:

But anyway I’m happy that I don’t need anymore all those whistles and bells in order to launch a recent podcast or a mix session on Sonos.

OpenVPN Only for Local Traffic on Gl-AR300M (Running on OpenWrt)

Hacking, IoT, Programming

I’m using the following fancy router not only to share the internet connection via WiFi at home, but also to run Domoticz – a home automation system (I will probably write more about it in my further posts).

GL-AR300M Mini Router
A feature of this router is that it works on OpenWrt – a Linux-based open-source firmware for routers, which makes it very attractive for IoT enthusiasts, because they don’t need to flash or unlock it to run their custom services there. It’s allowed out of the box.

In order to make Domoticz web interface available from the outside of my home LAN, I decided to setup a VPN on my publicly accessible server and connect the router to the VPN. The firmware natively supports OpenVPN configs. Everything is great, you just need to upload an OpenVPN client config and it will work, but it’s done in assumption that all traffic should be forwarded through the VPN, while I don’t want pass gigabytes of my meaningless home traffic through the server. Instead I need to pass only the traffic related to the VPN through the tunnel. Looks like this problem can not be resolved by standard tools via a web interface and I decided to leverage custom_config option in the OpenVPN configuration.

I’m not going to describe everything step-by-step, since this article is more like a note for myself than comprehensive tutorial 😉 Instead I would just briefly show what changes I made to achieve the result after few days of trial and error. The following changeset is relevant to the firmware version 3.019 (OpenWrt 18.06.1, r7258-5eb055306f)




Afterwards you will see the following settings in LuCI Web Interface at /cgi-bin/luci/admin/network/firewall/zones:


☝️ I don’t assign routes pushed from the server, instead routing is set up in script.
Make sure that daemon option is disabled/removed, otherwise /etc/init.d/openvpn script will endlessly create openvpn processes


☝️ This is quite specific for my VPN configuration (peer-to-peer net), keeping it just as an example. Your case will likely be different.

Configure OpenVPN to autostart

Reboot or run

to make the changes take effect.

Attic Stuff


I dug a little into my old backups and decided to resurrect two projects. I just blew the dust off them and changed some outdated parts a bit.

Hope it still serves.

So the first one is – a Swiss army knife of tiny useful online utilities like Base64/JSON/HTML/URL encoder, encrypt/decrypt messages, IP-address info and others. Yeah, they don’t look trendy, but are lightweight and should be handy. Actually the reason to restore it was to implement some other tools that I need myself from time to time and this project already contains a code I can base on. Feel free to bookmark it, there should be more useful tools added soon.

The second one is this blog 😉 So far it had only two posts in Czech. They will stay untouched (I’m just too lazy to translate or remove them), but all subsequent posts I’m going to have in English. I will talk about tech, programming and travelling with some drifts into non-core topics (like why trained eagles are probably the best remedy against drones).

Stay tuned!

Univerzální (de)motivátor


Je taková kouzelná fráze pro všechny příležitosti „život je příliš krátký na …“. Může motivovat a demotivovat k téměř čemukoliv. Například: život je příliš krátký na to, abych kouřil. Nebo naopak: život je příliš krátký na dodržování zdravého životního stylu.

Také se hodí pro všechno, co chcete ospravedlnit: pokud se Vám nechce číst dlouhé články, tak neztrácejte tím život.

A teď to hlavní, o čem jsem chtěl říct.

Kořen všech problémů.


Nevědomost má mnoho podob: vzteklý šovinismus, náboženský fanatismus, konspirologie, esoterismus, apod. Toto výrazne komplikuje lidstvu cestu dopředu, které místo toho ztrácí čas vojenskými a náboženskými konflikty, vyhledáváním nepřátel, viníků, různých magických sil, jež můžou za jejich selhání, kuklením ve vlastních nesmyslech a oddělením od okolního světa.
